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Stress Support



Stress Support is designed to support healthy catecholamine levels with adaptogenic herbs and nutrients that may help mood and promote calmness and relaxation. This unique formulation addresses adrenal gland health, which may help people handle stress more effectively.*

Made with non-GMO ingredients.

Stress Support is a unique formulation specially designed for the ever-increasing number of “burned-out” anxious patients suffering from a unique combination of low cortisol and elevated catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine).

Research data and anecdotal reports are making it increasingly evident that chronic stress can no longer be defined strictly in terms of the degree of cortisol elevation or depression. Research data suggests that, as chronic stress inevitably leads to a state of adrenocortical exhaustion or “burn-out,” a compensatory adrenal response often occurs in the form of increased sympathetic catecholamine activity. Both anecdotal and research information suggest that this is becoming an increasingly more common phenomenon, often seen with such conditions as post-traumatic stress disorder and classic fibromyalgia. Based on these results it has become necessary to employ formulations that not only optimize cortisol balance, but also optimize catecholamine imbalance, particularly when sympathetic responses appear to be excessive.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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